Someone to turn to when you don’t know where to turn.

Those struggling with addiction can feel isolated and hopeless while family and loved ones are left feeling helpless. Arbor’s Substance Abuse (SUD) Coordinator is here when you don’t know where else to turn.

This service is FREE and confidential, and available for anyone including:

Individuals struggling with addiction (prescription or illicit use)
Family or friends needing extra support or guidance
Our SUD Coordinator is especially knowledgeable about the options to help you take the first step toward recovery.

Leighann Kirby, Substance Use Disorder
Resource Coordinator, Arbor Family Health
M-F 8am - 4:30pm

I am deeply honored to serve as your Substance Use Disorder Resource Program Coordinator. 

Having personally experienced addiction, I understand the profound challenges and the journey towards recovery. My own experience fuels my passion to help others find hope, support and the resources they need. My motivation stems from a deep desire to support individuals, and families, impacted by addiction, helping them find healing. I believe through compassionate care and evidence-based resources, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those struggling with addiction and abuse.  

If you don’t know where to start, start with me and we will navigate this journey together. 

—Leighann Kirby

Don’t wait. Reach out today.
Our SUD Resource Coordinator is here for you.

Call 225-618-7157 to take that first step today!

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